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Become a member

Why should I become a member?

The UNMSJM provides a space where the descendants of the French-Canadian Métis of Red River can engage in their Métis community in French and pass on our traditional knowledge from generation to generation. 


We look forward to having you among us!


UNMSJM members are the first to know about the UNMSJM events and workshops. Don't miss your chance to be in the loop!


Come join our big and beautiful Métis family!

How to become a member?

It’s easy to become a member of the UNMSJM!


Simply click the button below to contact a member of our team.



Although the UNMSJM welcomes all descendants of Red River Métis, the UNMSJM does operate solely in French.

This being said, we welcome you to come celebrate your French Métis heritage with us!


We are certain that we can make you feel at home, regardless of your level of fluency in French. And if you’re trying to find a space to get (back) into French, there is no better place to do so!

"Afin que nous soyons davantage unis,

comme l'on été nos ancêtres"

Union nationale Métisse Saint-Joseph du Manitoba

340 Provencher Blvd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2H 0G7


Phone: (204) 306-4677


Our offices are situated inside the Centre du patrimoine, in the Neil Gaudry Room.


Office hours:
Monday to Friday

9:00 to 5:00

You can reach us by submitting this form

Thank you!

The UNMSJM is committed to respecting the privacy of its website users. It is our policy that no personal information relating to any user will be released to a third party, in keeping with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

© 2020 Union nationale métisse Saint-Joseph du Manitoba 

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